Our Asphalt Maintenance Services
Comprehensive Asphalt Maintenance for Properties in Greensboro, NC & the Piedmont Triad
Trust Greensboro’s Top Asphalt Maintenance & Marking Services

Line Striping/Marking
Faded markings are a safety hazard and increase liability. Clear markings should make your parking lot easy to navigate and reflect the quality you deliver in other areas of business. Whether it’s a quick over-stripe or a new layout on fresh asphalt, we can help you make a great first impression and maximize customer parking.
Asphalt Crack Fill
Over time, cracks may appear in paved asphalt. These unsightly cracks can become more significant issues if water begins to seep into the sub-base. By cleaning out and filling with a pre-melted rubberized material, we can protect your parking lot or driveway and lengthen its lifespan.
Pothole Repair
Potholes are an unfortunate occurrence on roads and parking lots. More than a nuisance, they can cause damage to cars and result in significant issues. Our team can patch broken areas to fix potholes, save your customers from flat tires, and help you get more life out of your existing asphalt.
As asphalt ages, it loses that beautiful, smooth look it had when first paved. Dramatically improve the appearance and preserve your parking lot with sealcoating. Applied over top of the existing asphalt, it protects from the weather, U.V. light, water, gas, oil, and harsh chemicals. It can even double the life of your pavement if applied at the right time.
Trust Greensboro’s Top Asphalt Maintenance & Marking Services
Asphalt is a strong material, built to take beatings from both vehicles and the elements alike, yet over time it cannot help but crumble under these pressures. Asphalt maintenance helps to re-strengthen a driveway or parking lot, thereby extending its lifespan. Making maintenance a priority helps to address problems before they grow into major issues that are expensive and inconvenient. The most cost-effective way to keep your asphalt surface in good shape is to stop cracks from spreading. Catching small cracks early and sealing them will keep them from getting out of control. Our professional asphalt maintenance services offer a number of benefits, including helping to improve the overall appearance of your property. Contact the team here at AFineLine Striping Services today for an appointment in the Greensboro, NC area!

Line Striping/Marking
Faded markings are a safety hazard and increase liability. Clear markings should make your parking lot easy to navigate and reflect the quality you deliver in other areas of business. Whether it’s a quick over-stripe or a new layout on fresh asphalt, we can help you make a great first impression and maximize customer parking.

Asphalt Crack Fill
Over time, cracks may appear in paved asphalt. These unsightly cracks can become more significant issues if water begins to seep into the sub-base. By cleaning out and filling with a pre-melted rubberized material, we can protect your parking lot or driveway and lengthen its lifespan.

Pothole Repair
Potholes are an unfortunate occurrence on roads and parking lots. More than a nuisance, they can cause damage to cars and result in significant issues. Our team can patch broken areas to fix potholes, save your customers from flat tires, and help you get more life out of your existing asphalt.

As asphalt ages, it loses that beautiful, smooth look it had when first paved. Dramatically improve the appearance and preserve your parking lot with sealcoating. Applied over top of the existing asphalt, it protects from the weather, U.V. light, water, gas, oil, and harsh chemicals. It can even double the life of your pavement if applied at the right time.

(336) 740-7650
1451 South Elm-Eugene Street
Suite 2018
Greensboro, NC 27406
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